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Remembering the last time's.

When you become a parent, your life suddenly becomes full of first times; the babies first smile, the first laugh, the first time they stand up, first steps, first words.  First day of school. And as a parent you look forward to them. If, for no other reason then to get reassurance that the baby was developing properly. You hoped to be there for these markers, but more often than not you weren't and you felt that you had missed something special.   It was funny how many parents got competitive about these milestones; "Yes, at 18 months wee Johnny was reading War and Peace, he was so advanced for his age". I had a different approach. In response to questions about my son's progress, I would respond, "poor kid, no progress, he's simple.............. but sincere". And Happy . And then if I was too slow, I'd  get thumped by the wife. Furious. She was a bit of a tiger mummy. But as it's turned out, it's the 'last time's' that I wish I

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