Merry, not a Pagan festival, Christmas
As I get older I am increasingly at odds with the world around me. As I have said elsewhere my memories of the Christmas's of my childhood are all good ones, with the admitted occasional near miss. My memories are full of joy and laughter. And I still love Christmas. Being a sedentary festival, with plenty of food and drink and hopefully good will to all, it's suits me, and my Parkinson's isn't yet an obstacle to enjoying it. Oh and we also go to church. But as with so many things, people can't leave it or people alone. And those who wish to trash Christmas, want to gut its core message and leave it as nothing more then a winter festival. With Santa or Dusty the Snowman, being the important lead figures. Now I get it that people who are anti-theist, will have a difficulty embracing a festival about a child, born of God and a human mother. They are fully entitled to celebrate, or not, Christmas as they wish. So they may simply wish to have fun with their family and ...