Life is not fair, so get over it!

It's just life!

And it's not fair!

In a fair world, a life-changing diagnosis like Parkinson's would give you immunity against developing other life-changing conditions. But this isn't a fair world and it is pointless to complain about it. 

No one is listening.

Now I'm not complaining, but I could do without my current 'problem'. It may not be anything serious, but the investigation is embarrassing and not a little humiliating. And believe it or not, this is how the letter informing me of my appointment started (some of the names have been changed!!);

Dear John Smith,

We are delighted to welcome you back to Westboro Urology!


So far I've had my Prostate checked and let me tell you, there is nothing 'delightful' about a finger being stuck up your bum, my er bits have been checked and I'm due to have a camera inserted into my bladder.

They might be 'delighted' but I'm certainly not. I also can't help but feel that there is something not quite right about expressing things in those terms.

All things considered.

At least I have access to good medical care and treatment. Hopefully, it will not be required. So I'm not going to complain and say "it's not fair"! There are many others who have a bigger right to claim that than I do.

I'm just going to put up with the indignity, glad that I will not be meeting these people socially!

And I'll hope and pray that the outcome of all this, isn't serious.

Because I think what I've gone through so far is enough!


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