My doesn't time fly?

It's been a year now since I started writing my blog and I thought the first anniversary would be the right time to look back, take stock and critique my efforts and think again about what it is I hope to achieve by writing it.

I will admit that I began writing this blog for a whole mess of reasons, but mainly because I felt the need to organise my thoughts about Parkinson's impact on my life and how I felt being a victim of it. And although I came up with the idea of a blog in 2019, it took me three years to get around to actually starting it.

Never do today, what I can do tomorrow, is, unfortunately, a bit of a personal motto.  

At the beginning of my diagnosis I was all a bit gung go, bring it on about it and I did wonder what the fuss was all about.

Normal life expectancy with shakes, what's to get upset about.

Well, they do say that ignorance is bliss. However, as I learnt more my attitude changed. In short, I stopped being ignorant and I stopped wondering what all the fuss is about. 

I knew.

I knew because I needed to know to write this blog and also because ignorance is not bliss, with Parkinson's knowing what it may have in store for you, gives you the ammunition to fight it.

Hence my going on about exercise.

But although Parkinson's makes up a big part of my life, it's not the whole of me. Hence my occasional foray into other aspects of my life and world.

One of the aims I set for out myself was to be totally honest about what it was that I was commenting upon. I believe to some extent that I've achieved this. There have been people and events that for various reasons I've not commented on, but I've written the truth, as I see it about my experience of Parkinson's and the people I have met and the issues that have arisen.

And I hope that when commenting on other people I have met, that I have succeeded in giving people their authentic voice. It has never been my intention to be cruel or unfair about anyone. Although I will admit that being truthful sometimes makes it hard to be kind. Perhaps I'll need to settle for being as fair as I can.

Which in the face of your own prejudices can be difficult enough.

I have been unhappy with some of my attempts however. My comparison of the US and UK Systems didn't work. It was too big a topic and if I was too make another attempt I would break it down into several parts. 

Attempting to cover the topic in a single post was doomed to failure.

It's for others to say if this blog is worth reading. I hope I have informed and in a small way, entertained. It's certainly been an enjoyable part of my life.

I also tried to be positive without pretending that Parkinson's isn't crap. Journey be dammed. It's a prison sentence, with your body acting as the jail. I'm happy to let people find their own path to acceptance and they can talk about their 'journey' if they want. But I won't pretend that I can find any good in it.

I write to give voice to those who feel likewise.

Pretentious moi!?

There are many Parkinson's blogs giving the other view.

Anyway if anyone has any thoughts about what I've said get in touch by email or comments. 

But be polite.


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