Changing meds update: I hate patches

I hate patches.

I am now on 16mg Rotigotine patches, which is as high as my neurologist likes to go with them and the results are underwhelming. Have my symptoms improved?

Well yes marginally, but nothing significant and I've given up. I'm not discussing it further with my Practitioner, she can't change my meds, so I'll just have to wait until I see the neurologist and discuss what the next step is with him.

I'm fed up.

I'm fed up with the lack of substantial improvement and I'm fed up with the patches themselves. 

Talk about a faff. It takes time to take the old ones off, dispose of properly, open up the new ones, administer them in one of the approved sites, not to be reused within 14 days, sit there for half a minute each patch warming them up by pressing them on by your hand for thirty seconds.

So don't be in a rush in the morning!

Problem is a lot of the approved sites are useless, as muscle movement cause the patches to come off. If you are too hairy, or if you go to the gym, the sweat generated can also cause the patch to fail.

So I carry spares with me just in case.

And I'll tell you this, for some strange reason, never mind how loose they were when going to bed, by morning when you need to replace them, they will have welded themselves to your body.

Smarts somewhat when taking them off, and what with the hairs being pulled out, it's all a bit unpleasant.

The boss has suggested Veet! Just what I don't need. I'm warned that the patches may cause the skin irritation so the last thing I should do is apply another chemical to the already vulnerable skin.

She was quite determined to press the idea.

I'm not doing it 

Her next suggestion was to epilate. Well as the patches are doing that anyway, I don't see the point. 

I've taken to shaving instead.

So another element to add to the fuss in putting them on in the morning.

They also itch. 

I hate the blasted things.


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