
Hope can be a fickle friend. It comes and goes, taunts and provides comfort. It can intrude as an imposter, giving hope when none exists. 

Hope can be cruel.

And whilst hope can give a reason to continue in the face of near hopelessness, false hope simply brings pain.

And today I feel pain. 

Which is unusual as experience, history and my natural tendency towards scepticism, usually protects me from false, unfounded hope.

But I was being told that this time was different, this time I had reason to hope. To believe some of the hype. And out of desperation I reached up and grasped the hope that was being offered 

And I felt optimistic, positive, hopeful as to the future.

Idiot, fool that I am. How could I have been so easily tricked. It wasn't hope I was being offered, not even the illusion of hope.

But a lie 

I didn't matter what the newspapers were saying. Scotland didn't have a chance of beating South Africa in the rugby world cup and I was a fool to believe we might.

We were blown away, out muscled and out thought 

And all the hope proved to be a mirage. 

When supporting Scotland, it's not the losing that causes the pain, it's the unfounded hope 

Never again.


  1. And, to make matters far, far worse, Scotland lost to England in the football. Still, there's always next time!


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