The importance of interests

According to the Parkinson’s Foundation, “It is important for people with Parkinson’s disease and their care partners to stay active through physical, mental and social stimulation and to engage in activities that promote relaxation.”

I keep banging the drum about the importance of exercise, but there are other activities and issues associated with PD, that need to be addressed, such as manual dexterity, mental stimulation and as it says above social stimulation and the promotion of relaxation.

Sometimes I feel having PD is a full time job. 

Up to now I've had few real hobbies. Apart that is from going the pub and eating out. Which may help with relaxation, but aren't great for manual and mental dexterity and stimulation.

So what hobbies help?

Gardening is a great one, involving manual labour, dexterity when handling plants, putting up trellises for your plants to climb, pruning etc .

And it gets you out of the house, and into fresh air.

Taking up a craft like pottery or painting are also good options 

Joining the University of the Third age, and doing one of their courses is good for brain stimulation and having meaningful social interaction, helping to avoid loneliness and isolation.

There are so many options. Think what interests you or what you have always wanted to do, and do it 

Don't let shyness or apathy stop you. Do today what you might try and put off until tomorrow.

Try golf, good for balance and exercise.

The world is your oyster. Enjoy it while you are able. It will keep you going mentally for longer 

So what have I done?

Good question and the honest answer is not enough, but improving!

I am going to do a class at the U3RDAGE.

I am going to do some lessons in furniture repair, as I have inherited some interesting furniture that requires repair, but are too expensive to have done by professionals.

I am going to take up a craft 

Do you see a pattern? I am going to, but not yet done.

Don't be like me, do.

Oh I did start a blog. So one thing achieved! 

Must do better.


  1. How about household work - changing and making beds, cooking, hoovering, mopping fllors; washing up, laundry? You know it makes sense! 😎

    1. Hmmm, what do you think I'm doing these days?


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