If I don't see it. It doesn't exist!

I've really been feeling my Parkinson's recently. And my medication doesn't seem as effective as it was. Tbh that's just normal for Parkinson's. It's a sign of the sadly inevitable progression taking place. You decline, your meds get boosted, you feel better, you decline.

And it's somewhat depressing. So usually I don't dwell upon it. 

What all (or at least all I've met) sufferers do is obsess about medical developments All hoping that the next breakthrough is the one that gives a cure. For many there is a desperate hope that this will happen soon.

Which I understand. Stage 4 and stage 5 is no fun for anyone. 

The last few years have been rich in medical breakthroughs, many of which, it has to be said, are somewhat less impressive when carefully looked into. But not all. Some show real promise.

In yesterday's papers there was yet another breakthrough. See link.


And yes the report, if true, suggests it is of real benefit. Anything that helps fight the muscle pain deserves to be welcomed. But it's not a cure 

And it's a cure we want. There was a BBC documentary about 6 years ago looking at work being done on achieving a cure. See link.


I know people who were on this trial and there was real hope that this was going to be the much hoped for break through. The failure was a crushing blow, which many found hard to accept.

Sadly in the main most of the successful outcomes don't end with a cure, just better ways of controlling the symptoms.

Which is good, but not what people are really hoping for. The symptoms will still get more extreme and we will become ever more dependant on a concoction of medication.

And I'll bet the side effects will still get ever more difficult. Even if they just take longer to get that way.

I tend not to take too much notice of breakthrough claims, not do I try to spend time looking into what's ahead of me. It's depressing and can also be a little bit frightening.

So I try avoid reading, finding out, or stumbling across information about Parkinson's.

Pretending it's not happening might not make things better. But it's all I have at the moment.


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