Something to think about


I was talking about my experience with psychopath teachers when a friend asked a simple question.

Would they have fought in the war? It sounds a bit like PTSD.

The answer was yes, they probably would have.

Have I misjudged their behaviour? His question has given me pause for thought.


  1. Anecdotal. It seems that my own schooling was idyllic compared to stories I hear from almost everyone else. I cannot, for example, say that any of my teachers could be described as a psychopath.

    However, in my primary school there was one who was undoubtedly a bully: he picked on one particular classmate of mine with relentless cruelty, frequently with added brutality. He was probably too young to have fought in the war, but thinking about it now I suspect he might have been conditioned by some National Service experience.

    In my secondary education there were two or three teachers who had served during the war with distinction, and they were anything but psychopathic. They weren't even the most rigid disciplinarians in the Common Room.

    So, er, I dunno. Everyone's different, innit, yeah?

    I am profoundly grateful that my school experience was always a joy, never a terror. Working life, however...

  2. I have to say that my primary schooling was ok except for two teachers. I wouldn't describe it as a joy however. I had five different primaries..

    On the other hand my secondary school was miserable.

    Work has been a strange mix .

    You are right, it takes all sorts!


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