
I want it known and for people to understand, that l am not a religious person. Indeed I find religiosity somewhat off putting. 

But I do have a faith. Which for 40 years now, however badly, I have tried to follow.

This does not mean that I have a cunning plan to evangelize to the heathen masses, through a blog on life and living with Parkinson's.

That would be dishonest and if there is one thing I've tried to be on this blog, is to be as truthful as possible. And in the main I think I have succeeded.

So this is a secular blog in the broadest sense. And as this is about life, then religion, faith, Christianity are included as topics that can and possibly will be addressed.

As they relate to my life and experience. And all, polite, opinions and comments will be welcomed.

If you can't be polite, well there's the Daily Mail comment section for you, in all its glorious unpleasantness. 

Life's too short to put up with that nonsense.

Neither however,  are they going to be the only or main topics on what is after all a Parkinson's blog. There is no change to editorial policy. As long as any comments relate to the post, all are acceptable. 

Certain of my friends, in the main non church goers, like to indulge in some good tempered joking at my expense. Which is fine, I can give as well as take. But with a tedious inevitability, as soon as something bad has happened, like a plane crash, I'm in the firing line to provide an answer to why "God allows bad things to happen" 

I'm no great theologian, but this is a hoary old chestnut of a question, with the respective positions well understood, so I know an answer to it, but I also know that many people find the answer inadequate.

This is not going to become a theological blog.

And of course I have been asked about whether Parkinson's has effected my faith, has it made it weaker. 

Well it has challenged it, but why should I be exempt from trials and suffering? That was never the promise, besides what is a faith if it shatters at the first serious difficulty? 

So why do I say I'm not religious? For me at least a religious person appears to be more interested in the fripperies and trappings of religion. Or to put it another way, the bells and smells rather then in the meaning of the faith and the living of it.

I'm not saying that you can't do both however, for many the meaning of the traditions and symbols are important in helping them live and understand their faith and I'm not going to criticise that.

Besides I find myself in many ways attracted to the strength of the traditions, stretching back centuries of the Catholic and particularly Orthodox churches.  

Some will read my posts and think me a hypocrite as I have included the occasional swear word. 

And have admitted to enjoying more than the occasional pint.

Well I often fail to live up to my faith, but the swear words and drinking aren't where I fail. God, is the God of truth, where truth is there you will find him. And the swearing and drinking included in this blog are there to be honest.

I watched a Bishop say that 'Christian' art had to be beautiful. To show the beauty of God's creation. Well he's wrong. It has to be truthful. So no matter how ugly, or how brutal the image, if it's reality, it is of God. 

How else for example could an artist represent war, which shows humanity at its most broken and ugly? A beautiful image would be a lie. 

Perhaps it's because I spend so much time with Church people, that I've found that they have frequently been the people who have come up with the worst response to my condition. 

And also those with some of the best responses to it. But I have received as much care and support from atheists as I have from church goers. There are good people in most sections of society. 

And I'm grateful to all of them. 


  1. If I may just go OT for an update: latest news about my mother is that she is well enough to leave hospital and go back home, very soon, possibly even tomorrow. Glory to God!

    Thanks to those who have been praying

    1. Good news indeed PC, I will continue to pray for her ongoing improvement.
      It's good to see God in action.

  2. And there HJ was thinking we were going to read some juicy autobiographical accounts of sin and debauchery along the line of Augustine's Confessions .... oh well, perhaps another time.

    1. I'll try and not let you down in the next post 😉



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