Dabbling with drugs!

As a student I didn't really get parties. I'd understood them when they involved pass the parcel and ice cream and jelly, but real grown up parties confused me.

They were boring. I'd rather be in the pub. 

But everyone else I knew seemed to be excited by them. I suppose as you brought your own alcohol it was cheaper than the pub.

But it was still boring.

However at nearly every party I attended there was a small group who sat in a smelly fug of their own making, with a silly smile on their faces.

I suppose taking drugs is one way of not being bored and in retrospect perhaps I should of joined them, but I didn't do drugs. Ever.

In fairness I did attend one party which, for a brief couple of minutes wasn't boring, but that's because a young lady suddenly decided to take her clothes off. 

She was probably bored too.

However back to the fug enveloped dope heads. Happy they may have been, sadly they tended to have limited or no conversation. Or at least no worthwhile conversation. However they all seemed to have one thing in common, they all wore 'Legalise drugs Now' tops. 

The debate surrounding this has been ongoing for sometime. Those who support the legalising of marijuana often point to it's alleged numerous medical benefits, particularly of cannabis oil and CBD derivatives.  Everything from alleviating chronic pain to possible neuroprotective benefits, are claimed for them, which brings me to neatly to this, please see link below:


Looks impressive and there has been some limited research into the benefits of CBD


But nothing has yet been approved as a treatment in the UK. There is however a lot of internet chatter about what to use from informal sources, in the absence of official advice.

Now I'm not knocking people desperate to alleviate their symptoms using unlicenced medication. Indeed when my sister first had breast cancer, the sickness caused by her treatment was so overpowering that my parents asked a friend of hers for some cannabis to try.

It wasn't a particularly successful experiment.

Now my symptoms are not, yet,  anywhere as severe as the man's in the short video or those in the trial. But one day they could be. And come that day, whether it's CBD or some other treatments, I hope whatever it is it's effective.

But in the absence of an licensed effective treatment, I would consider unlicensed treatments instead. 

Pain and suffering are highly over rated in my opinion, I'd do just about anything to eliminate it.


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